Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Demolition Baby!

The Dumpster!
I suck at this.  Blogging that is.  I have about 30 drafts out there where I have started a post and haven't finished them (ok...slightly exaggerated...but you get the point).  In any case, we are pretty much done with the project.  Thanks for following all.

Just kidding.

We are nearing the end of the project so I guess it is time to get everyone caught up.  So here goes...

Demolition. satisfying!  There is nothing like walking into your new home, that you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for, and seeing it destroyed!  ESPECIALLY if you have issues with anxiety...  Yeah.  That's not stressful...AT ALL.  As usual...I digress.

So here's to the demo...

All cabinet doors and drawers have been removed from the kitchen for lacquering.  Yep.  That's right.  We are doing lacquer on the kitchen cabinets so they will look brand, spankin new!

The garage is now the home of the cabinets and drawers.  

The brand-new-never-lived-on carpet (yes, I know, I'm crazy) has been removed from the family room and office and replaced with hardwoods.  

And yes.  We got rid of the "Billy Jean" black and white checkered tile.  Can I please have a moment of silence?  Moving on....

 Stairs are going..




Finally, they have removed the 12x12 black tiles that were a pathetic excuse of a fireplace to prepare for the REAL fireplace.  Every time Matt sees this he starts grunting and talking about building fire.  Needless to say...he is excited. 

One other thing that has been done.  The half bath.  Our toilet is funky in the half bath.  I don't have pictures but several people noticed the bathroom was weird but nobody could really put their finger on why...including me. contractor pointed it out to me.  The sink is on one wall and the toilet is on the opposite wall - and they are not directly across from each other..  You have to kind of scoot between them in order to sit on the pot.  It's weird.  Like I said...I never got a picture of it but the pot...errrr the hole...has moved and now the toilet and sink happily share the same wall.  All is right in the world.  

That's all for now.  Pics of the changes coming soon! (Yea...yea...yea...sooner this time.)   

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